Club room - "Holvi"



Tenant committee’s bigger club room is in the air-raid shelter on the bottom floor of Tekniikantornit A. Entrance to Holvi is from the back door of the building. Committee's meetings and parties are held in this space unless other place is informed. Sometimes movie evenings and TV series marathons are held for tenants by committee.

How to book Holvi

Tekniikan- and Tieteentorni's residents may book Holvi for private parties, movie nights etc. under certain conditions (see rules).

Holvi's reservations are made by the Club room responsibles.

In practice, the reservation works as follows:

Booking status

Bookings are normally for the entire day.


If people abuse the club room wrongly, can TOAS close the club room permanently from the tenant committee and from the tenants. Understandably the committee wants to hold good relationships with TOAS. DO NOT GO FULL RETARD.

The committee cannot make absolute promises for access because if the key holders are sick or unavailable for any reason. We hold the right to alter the rules and reservations.


Kino Holvi's audio-video equipment:

Holvi currently has the following connection cables for your own devices (consoles, laptops, mp3 players):

Note! If your own device does not work with connection cables, etc., unfortunately it cannot be connected to Holvi's tv / amplifier.
So far, at least the Nintendo Wii is such device (the acquisition of the necessary connection cables is being investigated).

Because the 4k TV is a vulnerable device and various cables can be easily lost, cinema equipment is stored in locked areas that are accessible only to members of the residents committee.